Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our Weekend in Pictures

Lately, I have been horrible in taking pictures. I'm hoping this blog can help me improve. As you can see, over two days I took four pictures of Landon, none of Austin, and none on Sunday. One day, these boys are going to look at me and say, "Seriously, Mom?? All this technology and THIS is all the pictures/videos/etc we have?!"

I may kick myself for saying this later. But we took part in, what I think, is one of the best kept secrets. Twice a month, Lowe's puts on a Build and Grow kids workshop. It is AH-MAZING! Over the summer they paired up with Disney and July was all about Toy Story. On Saturday, Landon and Daddy built RC. They give you a little hammer and apron, and when you are all done you get a patch to iron on. Landon gets so excited to build and hammer that hammer. We now have 4 wood toys added to our toy collection. Next month is Planes and this mommy is quite excited.

Landon was so sleepy on Saturday. He's been taking 2-3 hour naps every day. Of course, he is passed out on our busy Saturday. I had to wake him up for our back-to-back birthday parties, but not before snapping this picture of my sleeping angel. 

Back-to-back birthdays means double pizza AND double cake. Believe me, Landon didn't mind one bit! He loved the jump-jump and the pinata! He woke up Sunday morning asking for more parties and talking about all the goodies in the pinata. 

Sunday we had a lazy day of yard work and house work. After naps, we went over to Grammy's house to play trains with Vinnie and meatloaf dinner, none of which Landon ate yet Austin wolfed down some green beans!

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